Are you suffering with insomnia or sleep disturbances? 

Do you wake up feeling tired? 

Are you looking for a natural alternative to prescription drugs?

Sleep Deeper, Not Longer - Stop the cycle of restless sleep for a more restful sleep....naturally.  More efficient than a power nap, just 20 minutes of Divine Sleep increases the quality that equals to 3 hours of sleep!

The Antidote to Modern Life - Divine Sleep helps to improve sleep, calms and balances the nervous system and so much more.  It gently and systematically cues the body's natural ability to switch from "active" flight or fight response into the "passive" relaxation response, a component recommended in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Vertical vs Horizontal Postures - While meditation practices are in a seated posture, this guided meditation is designed to be experienced lying down on a comfortable mat or blanket that supports every muscle in your body for deeper relaxation.  

Engaging the Senses - With active listening throughout the meditation, it helps to quiet a racing mind and promotes a deep state of restoration. You emerge feeling balanced, restored and well-rested.

Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra - One Practice, 3 Variations Offered -

  • Combination of 30 minutes of yoga with 20 minutes of Divine Sleep guided meditation.  
  • Combination of 30 minutes of tai chi with 20 minutes of Divine Sleep guided meditation.
  • Extended 30-40 minute journeys to fully experience all 8 stages of Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra.